Regards sur la musique en Roumanie au XXe siècle is an attempt to overview all musics – oral and written, popular and art – created or transmitted in Romania during the last century. It is written for the Romanian reader, but also for a possible Western reader, which explains the concentration of the discourse obtained by ruthlessly sacrificing data irrelevant to a foreigner. It may come as a surprise that in the book I have stubbornly drawn connections between most musics and music-related events and the dominant ideologies of the time. Am I exaggerating? I highly doubt it. (Speranța Rădulescu)

A fascinating book, initially intended as a methodical identification of the different types of music present in Romania, but which takes on the dimension of a veritable saga of Romanian music. (Jacques Bouët, Cahiers de musiques traditionnelles)

Peisaje muzicale în România secolului XX
Listening suggestions for readers of Regards sur la musique en Roumanie au XXe siècle / Urban Music

Urban Music


The Lark (composed by Angheluș Dinicu)

Solo violin: Grigoraș Dinicu, accompanied by his orchestra

Hora staccato

Violinist and composer: Grigoraș Dinicu

Hora staccato

Violin: Jascha Heifetz; piano: Emanuel Bay


Inel, inel de aur (Gold Ring), lyrical song

Vocals: Fărâmiță Lambru, accompanied by Ion Carabulea’s orchestra

S-a dus puiul de la mine (My Baby Left Me), lyrical song

Vocals: Dumitru Dona Siminică, accompanied by Ion Carabulea’s orchestra

Song "for listening" and dance

Violin: Vasile Năsturică, accompanied by Gheorghe Răducanu (cimbalom), Ștefan “Cinoi” Ioniță (accordion), Gheorghe “Coadă” Petrescu (double bass) (2009)

Contact Muzeul Țăranului Român

021 317 96 62
0721 890 388, 0788 259 790
3 Pavel D. Kiseleff Road, Bucharest, Romania